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Life is an unexpected journey of constant moment-to-moment acceptance. A few weeks ago, I broke my hand and had to undergo surgery. Now as I try and type this blog post, I’m humbled by the agitation of pins in my left hand. It’s a fierce reminder of how vulnerable is my state of being right now.


I’m grateful for all the support I feel around me and the ability I have in my dominant right hand. Yet, my frustration and exhaustion are also wanting to rear their conscious presence as I navigate this new reality. I have to ask for help!

I’m reminded that we all need each other, but this practice of slowing down and surrendering my super-woman identity has brought me to my knees. Pain is the great equalizer, and I am so humbled by the human body and its powers to heal. But boy, it’s not fun!

Any growth can be painful both physically and emotionally. Healing asks so much of us as we learn to let go and rest into the discomfort. We are the collective consciousness of humanity.

We are all healing from the trauma of the past year and a half. The covid pandemic asked so much of us as we witnessed all the loss and suffering. My need to ask for help is a reminder that we depend on each other and we each count on a hand to assist us forward.

Yoga meets us daily where we are. Not where we think we should be or even where we want to be but to meet ourselves and others with compassion for where we are now. We begin each moment with our presence, to be here.

I hope we can honor this Memorial weekend for all the warriors of love, who have despite great pain remained true to the wonder of joy. We can celebrate the brave souls that walked before with courage despite all the obstacles that pain presents. May we keep healing our hearts, and whenever needed, be willing to ask for or lend a hand!

Be safe, be well, be content to meet yourself in loving kindness today. 

The light in me honors the light in you,

Laura Jane
