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Another spin around the sun and the beginning of a new year. I am never a fan of any resolutions, which is just another “to-do list“ for expectations to disappoint. It’s just another way to set up the mind to try and reach an outcome that implies where I am is “NOT good enough.” This is my little mind’s constant longing and thinking that when I get there, I might love myself.

Starting now, starting at this moment, I am enough. What if, at this moment, all is good and all is right and enough? Well, my little voice will never believe that and answer in its critical way, ”It's horrible out there! Look at all the fighting; look at all the pain, suffering, and grief. How can you just sit and breathe into that mess?”

Yes, the outer world is spinning right now, but it has been spinning for millions of years. My chatter of getting caught up in thinking how terrible life is might not be the best choice of my precious time. What if I find a focus for one moment to just sit in the awkwardness of uncertainty and feel my heartbeat? What if I place my hands on my heart and say thank you?

I’m actually experiencing the present time. In this moment, I can focus on the rhythm of living in what I call “the Pace of Grace.” What if my intention this year is to BE the Pace of Grace and live in a way that I can share this quality of consciousness? To slow down and say “hello” to my true self. To be kinder by simply observing my heart is vulnerable and hurting at times.

I want to share my not knowing with confidence and accept that I am enough at this moment. I am enough in my confusion, in my messiness, in my aging body, in my grief, and at the same time, in my profound sense of joy for being alive through it all. I want to celebrate this life and share whatever wisdom of words will heal another broken heart.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is embracing the fear. Choosing not to feed it but to inspire the possibility of another way. Anger is my reactive path to defend or protect my need to be safe. What if, this year, I choose to embrace the true protection that is always with me? The light. The love.

Embarking on this new year offers me each day a choice. I choose to practice healing and to speak with kindness to myself. What if I choose not to steal from myself with distractions and noise but to listen and become fit for the right action when it arises from my heart? I am going to practice and continue to live my yoga on and off the mat. I am content in this moment to just be grateful, and once again, I am excited for the journey. Let us all be willing to share our inner light as we celebrate this new beginning. Loving this path and not the destination!

With light and Love,

Laura Jane