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Going into the Soul – A Journey to Joy

You need not do anything. Remain sitting at your table and listen ... just wait. And you need not even wait, just become quiet and still and solitary. The world will offer itself to you to be UNmasked. It has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. Rainer Rilke

I often sit in the unspoken world of sound found in nature. I love offering retreats with the invitation to take off your hat, remove the labels, let go of biases and go inward. Asking the deeper question, "who am I"?

There are three powerful tools in the teachings of yoga: asana, pranayama and Svadhyaya. Each of these is linked to going inward to focus the roaming mind. By linking breath with movement and reflecting on its profound effects, we have the ability to witness. As the observer, I can shift my attitude and begin to explore my own behavior. Asking inner questions of myself without judgment or harsh criticism, I can start to direct my focus in new ways of consciousness. I choose to be content in my attitude and experience a quality of peacefulness

My joy is to share these profound teachings of yoga in beautiful settings. I find by unplugging from our daily roles, and making time and space for self-reflection, we are able to expand our awareness. Being in nature and being present to the beauty is the greatest healer for the soul. Nourishing the light within is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. Please join me this Spring at Gray Bear and share in the wonder of life!

I hope to inspire the leap into your True Self!


Laura Jane


Yoga is more than looking good

This is my simple religion.There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own heart is our temple- the philosophy is KINDNESS. Wherever you go ... go with all your heart. Dali Lama

Kindness is an attitude that comes from the effort to see beyond our fears or judgments. Refine the mind and shift the habits of reactive thought to a response of compassion. We are all in this world together and to embrace a forgiving nature takes the willingness to shift old patterns and habits. 

Yoga is more than looking good .. it is being able to love and forgive, and having the ability to share the heart with others. Our community is so important in these challenging times and together we can share in a consciousness of vitality and joy. Please celebrate this New Year by letting go of doubt and committing to thriving in fearless Love.

Blessings to every one and Happy NEW YEAR!

Laura Jane



Connect to Your Soul

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice for your soul is ALIVE.
—Eleonora Duse

Being connected to our soul is to remember our true nature and yet when life presents the outer confusion of fear, we forget. This past month has been a practice of staying clear to what is the truth. When chaos abounds in the terror of war and killing, we react in ways that begin to collude with panic and doubt. The beauty of life and the essence of the spirit are pushed into confusion and we tend to move away from our hearts. We must be FEARLESS warriors of LOVE. How can we as a community not nurture the integrity of our intrinsic nature of kindness and compassion? We must strengthen our commitment to find peace within our own hearts and to extend to our community as a refuge for love.

I opened Yoga Among Friends over 19 years ago and still have the passion and conviction that we are more than our outer identities. We are souls needing to be seen and acknowledged for the brilliance of our inner light. Every human being needs to be seen for the inner beauty that lies within. We begin to spin in the worry, doubt and fear of what we see and hear around us but if we pause and go inward, we are reminded that there is another voice. We must give attention to this quiet vibration in our inner being, to resonate with life with the call to love more.

I never want to assume that yoga is the only path. Yoga is so much more than a physical exercise and when we use the tools together, we begin to feel the sweet safety of beauty calling forth our inner strength. Embrace all of life. Find a safe haven to share in this courageous journey of the heart. I want everyone to be filled with the grace of a loving Thanksgiving as we remember that life is a blessing. To be content is the wonder of living and the acceptance that grief is only a doorway into joy.

We extend our hearts this Holiday Season from all of us at Yoga Among Friends to our community. May you celebrate each day as a miracle of life and rejoice in being ALIVE for LOVE!

