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Collective Healing Begins with the Retreat Inward

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Collective Healing Begins with the Retreat Inward

We’ve just returned from another wonderful journey, hosting our retreat in the incredible Dordogne region of France. During these turbulent times on Mother Earth, nothing is better for the soul than having an opportunity to practice going inward as we travel outward. Our mind is the only vehicle we have to make the discerning choices of how we perceive the outer world. This is a heightened opportunity for the community to unite with the highest intentions to heal hearts.

The entire practice for our retreat in France revolved around the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. A year ago, after his death, I decided we all needed to be at Plum Village, his created haven of loving-kindness. We spent the months prior to our arrival studying his words and creating for ourselves a place of inner smiles in the midst of the outer chaos.

As we traveled to the Dordogne region, we enjoyed staying in a lovely Chateau, enjoying our practices for sustaining our own inner peace as we realized the turmoil going on throughout the world. With the community of living from the inside out, we were the peace and love in the world. We were the love we wanted to see in the world.

We walked together in silence as we spent time sharing the beauty of Plum Village, which was twenty minutes away from our retreat center. Together, our full intention was to raise the consciousness of how we can serve when our inner loving hearts are not spinning in the external noise. The silence brought our attention to our hearts; we were able to smile and share the beauty of our souls.

Collectively, we must raise our vibration to be the love. We all want humanity to be safe, and together, we can be the living consciousness of divine intelligence. Our best transformational state is to serve the healing of all mankind.

I am so grateful for the grace unfolding and our joy to be able to be the light in the midst of these darker days and nights. Let us keep the light shining from our inner space. As a beacon of light around the world, we can build energy to transform anger into a more compassionate world. Despite the loud horrors of wars inflicting all the pain, we can hold the opposite as we are seeding new beginnings within collective practices. Please do not lose the joy of being alive now, and do not collude with doubt and fear. Beam out the smile. Breathe in and out of the heart and experience the gentle peace within. The bigger picture is to be the warrior of love; creating a better world begins within.

This November, I have been called to action to share these beautiful teachings of meditation as we all hold the vigil for the coming Solstice. I will be hosting evening practices into the soul as we share community for inner peace. These will not be asana-based classes, but the classes will include gentle movement as we begin the practice of coming inward with the mind linked to the breath. The intention is to turn the fire of anger and fear into the grace of light. It must be experienced as a collective intention to heal the outer world.

Please join me for each Wednesday night, Nov 22-Dec 20, from 6:15-7:30pm for Meditation Healing Circle. This five-week series will offer a deeper understanding of how to live our yoga. Developing compassion for all humanity starts with being kind to ourselves. Nourishing the soul is the key to living in peace.

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.”

— Thich Nahn Hahn

Love and light,

Laura Jane

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Unlock the Secrets of Sri Sukta


Unlock the Secrets of Sri Sukta

Sponsored by the Himalayan Institute

Sri Sukta Series

Why should you take this course if you've already studied the text? As Panditji states, "This scripture is so deep, so profound, it’s like an ocean. Each time when we go into these scriptures, we find new gems." Whether you've been practicing for years or you are completely new to Sri Sukta, there will always be something to learn. Listen to Panditji explain why.

Join the richness of the collective consciousness practicing Sri Sukta!

This 4-week online program, culminating in a Memorial Day Weekend capstone retreat (offered in a hybrid in-person and online format), builds on Pandit Tigunait’s book, Sri Sukta: Tantra of Inner Prosperity, augmenting what is passed on by a living tradition and practiced in the inner circle of tantrics.

  • 4. week, 8-part online course - May 3-26, 2021

  • In-person/Online Hybrid Capstone - May 28–31, 2021

  • 80-day At-home Sri Sukta Practice - June 1–August 20, 2021

  • In-person/Online Hybrid Capstone - August 20–22, 2021

    Optional In-person Capstones: Tuition Included; Book your Accommodations

This special offering combines two rare offerings with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, and is the definitive course to study and practice the Sri Sukta. These programs were specifically architected to be taken in this manner as a progressive experience, culminating in a 80-day practice of Sri Sukta and special extended fire offering to conclude the practice.

*Due to attendance constraints, this event will be offered both in-person and available through a digital webinar format.

Part 1: Sri Sukta: The Vessel of Sri Vidya

Part 2: Sri Sukta Sadhana Immersion - Stage 1

Combo: Sri Sukta Series


Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link in the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor to Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As the author of numerous books, including his autobiography Touched by Fire: The Ongoing Journey of a Spiritual Seeker... Read Panditji's Full Bio
